
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Just You and Me by Jo Huddleston

 Just You and Me


Jo Huddleston 

A Christian beach story of love, forgiveness, and divine providence

In this sweet mid-20th-century romance, a magnificent mistake brings Allison and Jim together, each at the beach with a buddy. An unfamiliar instant attraction tugs at both their hearts. But when Jim gives Allison a compliment, she misunderstands it as a pick-up line. When Jim subsequently falls silent, Allison determines to find a way to get him to love her. Jim has spent half of his adult life in the Air Force and will soon leave the military. He wants Allison by his side to help him with the challenges his new lifestyle will bring. But after a horrible accident at the airfield, Jim keeps his diagnosis from Allison for fear she may not want to spend their lives together.


My Review 

Loved this story that was well written by Jo Huddleston. Sweet clean romance.   Allison goes on a weekend beach break with a friend. Two girls alone and checking into a motel room late. Never know what kind of people hang out there. So going to their room there are guys trying to get into the same room. But who's room is it. Tired and aggravated Allison just wants to get in her room to relax. Jim makes a comment and Allison thinks he is just another guy with a cheap line. But she kinda feels something like a bit of a spark. This is just dumb love doesn't happen like that. Jim is a service man and has to go back to duty and promises to contact her again. But things get quiet and nothing from him. what has happened he promised he stay in contact. Allison is determined to get to the bottom of this she wants answers. Well written romance and loved the characters. 

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