
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Once Upon A Time Holy Bible

The Bible is not a fairy tale. Every great story happened once upon a time.


The Bible is not a fairy tale, but every great story happened once upon a time. The NIrV Once Upon a Time Bible contains a presentation page and also highlights six great stories from the Bible on 24 full-color inserts. Each story is told on four pages in full-color, illustrated splendor. Also contains the complete New International Reader's Version (NIrV) of the Bible.

Stories include:

  • God Makes Man and Woman

  • Isaac and Rebekah

  • Ruth Finds Happiness

  • Queen Esther

  • Mary and Joseph and an Angel

  • He Lives!

We all have our own tale to live and what better place to look for help and encouragement than the greatest story of all.

        With the popularity of fairy tales and Disney animation, and especially with the new release of Disney’s live action Beauty and the Beast on March 17, Zonderkidz wanted to publish a storybook Bible and full -text Bible (Holy Bible offered in hardcover, and pink leathersoft editions) that would resonate with children and families who loved those types of movies, and loved reading a great story.
        The art will captivate Disney lovers with similar looking characters and color palettes
        Zonderkidz wanted to capture fans of this genre, but introduce young children to the word of God, and introduce them to the great characters of the Bible. It’s important to note that this brand serves to resound the theme that the Bible is NOT a fairy tale, but every great Bible story happened once upon a time. The Bible is the ultimate Happily Ever After story!
        What Christian parent doesn’t want to tie in Bible learning fun with what their kids already love, but also have the opportunity to teach them that the real heroes and stories of our faith come straight from God’s Word.
The Storybook Bible utilizes even more of the captivating art style and beautiful narrative to tell the major stories of the Bible ( , and the Holy Bible ( & ( includes the full-text of the bestselling New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) translation, and highlights 6 great stories of the Bible in full-color tip-in pages.  (there will be 6 stories, and each story is told on 4 illustrated pages.)

“available where books are sold”
“available at Sam’s Club or wherever books are sold.”

My Review

This Bible is awesome for kids. Very attractive cover words in language a child can understand. It is not a fairy tale, every story in it happened once upon a time. What better stories to read to your children. Beautiful illustrations in the Bible kids will love to look at. This is the whole Bible. Print is nice size and loved it had a presentation page. Zondervan did a beautiful job with this bible. Has a nice dictionary in the back. And a wonderful list in the back of all the wonderful stories so easy to find a certain story you may want to read. children will learn different characters in the Bible.
Once upon a Time Storybook Bible is wonderful way for the kids tom learn different stories in the bible and are true.  It is beautifully illustrated also such vibrant colors.Stories from the Od and the New testaments. In the Old Testament there are 18 stories being told and at the end of each chapter there is  a Happily Ever After verse to go with it. In the New Testament there are 15 stories. Both these book by Zondervan would be a great add to all libraries and in the homes. 

Disclosure: I received a complimentary Once Upon a Time Holy Bible and Once Upon a Time Storybook Bible from Zonderkidz, through FlyBy Promotions in exchange for a honest review.

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